Morgan Yakus

Mind Waves





Outlier Inn

Mountaindale, Upstate New York. USA

Lenape Land

Hypnosis achieved formal recognition by the American Medical Association in 1958. Although hypnosis is not a panacea, it is a safe and effective therapeutic tool. Symptom reduction from hypnosis includes: the alleviation of pain, quitting smoking, releasing weight, improving sleep, reducing stress, overcoming fear, increasing motivation, boosting confidence, overcoming grief, deepening the bond in personal relationships, and recovering from unhealthy repetitive patterns. Hypnosis can also be interpreted as a guided meditation and occurs in a natural state of mind. This means the client does control the process and works with the material that is arising while Morgan guides with care.

Hypnosis is designed to communicate with the subconscious mind through the use of images, sounds, voice affect, and emotion activation. Because this modality is an innocuous healing tool, the gentle, relaxed state of consciousness is a helpful and potent method for unlocking creative expression, re-narrating past traumas, and finding hope in a grounded, practical manner.

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